Rise in Math

Rise in Math is a coaching and inquiry-based professional learning model that prepares educators to create active learning classrooms where students are engaged, empowered, and successful doers of mathematics.

About Rise in Math

Rise in Math unleashes the potential of teachers and leaders to cultivate active learning environments where students collaboratively solve problems, analyze core concepts, and become successful mathematicians through high-quality instruction.


Combining inquiry and coaching, Rise in Math empowers teachers and leaders to utilize high-quality instructional materials effectively and create classrooms where students become engaged, successful doers of math within active learning environments.

Maximize student learning through classroom interactions

Deepen students’ mathematical knowledge and skills and develop ownership of learning

Lead a culture of co-learning and continuous improvement

Implement practical instructional routines

Get in Touch

For more information about Rise in Math, connect with us.


Workshops + Coaching

Over six days, school-based teams delve into a learning strand through a three-part workshop series and ongoing coaching, which focus on creating conditions for active math learning across classrooms.


Choose between two strands of learning:

  • Designing Active Math Learning Classrooms

  • Scaling Active Math Learning Classrooms

Instructional Rounds + Coaching

Through classroom observations, structured/focused feedback, and a collaborative leadership approach, school-based teams cultivate a continuous learning and improvement culture while fostering a shared vision and facilitating self-study within classrooms over nine days.

Lead Math Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

Instructional leadership teams develop a culture of data-driven teacher decision-making through continuous improvement cycles of classroom walkthroughs tailored to their context.

Partner Perspectives

Identifying and observing our student centered goals that show or promote/have area[s] of improvement in our school.

Rise in Math Participant, Teacher Leader, California

The most beneficial part was being able to go through my lesson plans with the coach and find ways to tie in more representations to get more student/peer interactions.

Workshops + Coaching Participant, Teacher, California

The discussion with the team and coach was great. We were able to uncover some misconceptions that we had as teachers. [My coach] shared a really great strategy that I’m excited about implementing into some upcoming lessons.

Instructional Rounds + Coaching Participant, Teacher, California

Meet Our Math Experts

Cyndia Ackerman
Cyndia Acker-Ramirez

Vice President, Mathematics | CORE Learning

Cyndia partners with schools and districts to reimagine job-embedded professional learning, with a focus on the instructional core, instructional decision-making, and leveraging curricular materials to deepen students’ mathematical understanding.

Dr. Katie Kaskasky
Katie Laskasky

Mathematics Manager | CORE Learning

Katie works to collaboratively develop and support the implementation of CORE’s professional learning and coaching model with schools and districts to include developing teacher capacity in instructional decision-making and integrating job-embedded curriculum implementation support.

Tatiana Mirzaian
Tatiana Mirzaian

Mathematics Manager | CORE Learning

Tatiana partners with schools and districts to deepen teacher pedagogical content knowledge and develop their capacity in instructional decision-making.

Katie Salguero

Mathematics Director | CORE Learning

Katie aims to develop professional learning experiences that support teachers in their instructional decision-making to create active math learning environments and deepen students’ mathematical competence.

Learn More

Contact CORE to learn more about our Rise in Math services.