Teaching Reading Sourcebook, 3rd Edition
A best-selling, research-based guide to effective reading instruction, the Teaching Reading Sourcebook, 3rd Edition supports educators in bridging the gap between evidence-based reading research and actionable instructional strategies. Organized according to the elements of explicit instruction (what? why? when? and how?), the Sourcebook includes both a research-informed knowledge base and practical sample lesson models. It teaches the key elements of an effective reading program, based on the science of reading — phonemic awareness, decoding, vocabulary development, fluency, and comprehension — in a practical hands-on teacher’s guide. The newest edition includes a chapter on reading instruction within a MTSS framework.
The Sourcebook helps educators get a clear view of the current state of reading education and key literacy concepts. The teaching tips, intervention strategies, and suggestions for English learners make it a must-have for educators at every level. An analysis conducted by the National Council on Teacher Quality found that the Teaching Reading Sourcebook comprehensively and rigorously covers the scientific basis and instructional elements of the five essential components of effective reading instruction.
- A new chapter on MTSS and the 4 components necessary for full implementation — Multi-tiered levels of prevention and support; Evidence-based programs with high- quality instruction; Ongoing assessment; Data-based decision making; and problem solving
- Updated research references throughout
- Updated NAEP results
Updated assessment references - Common profiles of reading difficulties
- Revised assessment table aligned to MTSS chapter
- New statistics about English learners
- Updated Suggested Readings
- Newest Hasbrouck and Tindal Oral Reading Fluency Norms
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Pair the new 3rd edition of the best-selling Teaching Reading Sourcebook with Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures, a collection of tests for the comprehensive assessment of skills related to reading, for a complete educator toolkit to help all students become strong readers. Save 10% when you buy both books together.