In 2015, Oregon passed legislation that requires that at least one teacher in each K–5 school complete dyslexia-related training. The legislation requires that the training must (a) comply with the knowledge and practice standards of an international organization on dyslexia; (b) enable the teacher to understand and recognize dyslexia; and (c) enable the teacher to implement instruction that is systematic, explicit and evidence-based to meet the educational needs of students with dyslexia.
CORE’s in-person and Online Elementary Reading Academy were recently approved by the Oregon Department of Education to address the following two focus areas:
- Understanding and Recognizing Dyslexia (URD)
- Foundational Skills in Reading (FSR)
The onsite or Online Elementary Reading Academy builds teachers’ fundamental knowledge of the 5 essential components of reading and reading assessment. Teachers will gain the skills and knowledge they need to prevent reading difficulty, identify the warning signs of dyslexia and intervene with evidence-based instructional practices. Participants in both the onsite and Online Elementary Reading Academy receive the nationally acclaimed textbooks, Teaching Reading Sourcebook (View a sample) and Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures (View a sample).
Online Elementary Reading Academy: This 7-module online course dives into the 5 essential components of reading and reading assessment over 7–10 weeks. New national online courses start August 20, September 17 and October 22., or CORE can create a custom cohort just for teachers in your district. Learn more.
Onsite Elementary Reading Academy: Offered in six sessions at your site, a CORE reading expert will build your team’s fundamental knowledge of evidence-based instructional practices based on the science of reading and help teachers learn to identify and support students with dyslexia and word-reading difficulties.