Collaborative Pathways: Partnering with Families to Support and Advocate for Best Practices in Multilingual Literacy Development

Watch this on-demand webinar to learn about an innovative pilot course designed by Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors, CORE Learning, and UnboundEd for Spanish-speaking families with children ages 3–8. The goal was to build families’ knowledge of research-based literacy practices as they advocate for effective literacy practices in their children’s schools and districts. You can learn more about our course, PODER (Padres Optando por el Desarrollo, Enseñanza y Realización de la lectoescritura) on our webpage here.
You’ll hear from parents who participated in the course, learn about initial pilot data takeaways and how feedback from parents is being used to improve and scale, and hear about opportunities to partner and join the course.
If you are a community organization, school district, or charter management organization interested in partnering with us to share the course, you can fill out this survey to share more. If you are a Spanish-speaking parent or caregiver interested in participating in the next PODER course, please fill out this form.
Learn More
Find out more about our course, Padres Optando por el Desarrollo, Enseñanza y Realización de la lectoescritura (PODER).