Assessment for Reading Difficulties and Dyslexia

Presenter: Dr. Michelle Hosp, Associate Professor of Special Eduction, University of Masschusetts Amherst
Universal screening for reading problems is the best way to identify and address reading difficulties. While there are a range of reading problems that can affect students, an estimated 5-17% of school-age children have dyslexia*. Most students with reading difficulties, including those with dyslexia, can be taught how to be strong readers. But before research-based instruction and intervention can take place, educators must identify which students are struggling and why.
During this hour-long on-demand webinar, Dr. Michelle Hosp, whose research focuses on reading and data-based decision making within MTSS, provides insights into assessment for reading difficulties. You will learn:
- How to identify the right assessment for the right purpose
- How to assess the continuum of reading skills
- Why assessment and intervention should focus on phonics skills
- Strategies to link assessment data to instruction
Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of the role of assessment in supporting students struggling to read.
*Pediatrics in Review, May 2003