Beyond the Phonics Fight

In 2018, Emily Hanford began an investigation into reading instruction in the U.S. Her reporting for American Public Media added fuel to a long-simmering debate about phonics-based instruction versus a whole language approach to teaching reading. During this on-demand webinar Ms. Hanford takes a deep dive into what she’s learned, including:
- Key concepts from scientific research on reading
- Why early reading instruction is critical when it comes to achieving educational equity
- Why reading instruction has been so controversial in American education and, in particular, why people fight about phonics
- Why reading instruction in so many schools is not aligned with scientific research
The research has shown that when educators use science to guide reading instruction, all students, even those with word reading difficulties, can become strong readers. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear directly from Ms. Hanford about her three years on the front lines of the reading wars.