How to Build and Sustain Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in Mathematics: Key Elements and Considerations

Presenter: Dr. Ben Clarke, Professor, School Psychology Program & Director of the Center on Teaching and Learning, University of Oregon
The goal of the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support framework is to ensure all children benefit from high-quality instruction and that those students who need additional support to fill gaps in their knowledge and skills receive intervention.
Whether your district has already implemented MTSS for mathematics or is just getting started, tune in to this hour-long webinar for guidance to develop, implement, and refine math-focused MTSS.
Dr. Ben Clarke explores:
- How assessment fits within MTSS
- High-leverage instructional practices
- Data-based decision making
Dr. Clarke will draw on the IES Practice Guides “Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics: Response to Intervention for Elementary and Middle Schools” and “Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics: Intervention in the Elementary Grades”.
Don’t miss this timely opportunity to learn how to improve the effectiveness of math classrooms and support all students wherever they are with their learning.