High Fidelity: It’s Not About Music or Marriage, It’s All About Instructional Materials White Papers Literacy
Resources for Coaches—Literacy Coaches are a powerful force in helping ensure effective reading instruction throughout a school. Below are resources you can use to support your coaching practice. Elementary Reading Coach Job Description Generic description for an elementary reading coach position. DOWNLOAD PDF Literacy Coach: Effectiveness Rating Checklist of effective coach behaviors that can be used as a […] Toolkit FREE MATERIALS
Word Roots Lesson This lesson, from the Teaching Reading Sourcebook, 2nd Edition, is designed for teaching adolescents how to use selected Greek roots to figure out the meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary. DOWNLOAD PDF Toolkit FREE MATERIALS
Sample Edition of the CORE Reading Expert — Focus on Common RtI Misconceptions Response to Intervention (RtI) was intended to provide a way to quickly identify students needing extra support and then provide it within the general education setting, instead of deferring identification and assistance until a student has been formally identified as qualifying for special education. DOWNLOAD PDF Toolkit FREE MATERIALS
Spend Some Time with 1-9, Product Samplers Spend Some Time with 1 to 9 was designed by teachers, for teachers. These supplemental math activities fuse the latest in lesson design theory with practical classroom experience. The problem sets are designed to build fluency and number sense while requiring students to think about mathematical relationships. Give these samples a try! DOWNLOAD K-8 SAMPLER […] Toolkit FREE MATERIALS
Putting DOK into Practice with Hess’ Cognitive Rigor Matrix This free guide will help teachers identify the level or depth of knowledge they are working with in math, and see where they can go next. The included chart has specific math examples, question stems, and descriptions for each level. DOWNLOAD GUIDE Toolkit FREE MATERIALS
On-Demand Webinar: Planning for Rigor in Next Year’s Math Curriculum Use this hour-long on-demand webinar to prepare teachers or curriculum teams for instructional planning over the summer and to ensure the use of evidence-based practices to increase student learning after a year or more of COVID-related disruptions. Webinar Webinars
{Webinar} Aligning and Embedding: Critical Factors for Improving Outcomes for Older Students with Reading Difficulties Thursday, November 17 | 4:00–5:00 p.m. ET Presented by: Sharon Vaughn, Ph.D. Manuel J. Justiz Endowed Chair in Education and the Executive Director of The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk at The University of Texas at Austin Register The recently released National Assessment of Educational Progress scores show that about a third of […] Webinar All