
Using KeyPhonics to Support Targeted Reading Instruction for All Students

More than a year of disruptions to learning has led to an increase in the number of students reading below grade level. In order to accelerate learning recovery, educators need faster and more efficient ways to understand students’ current phonics skills and determine specifically what to teach to get them back on track.

KeyPhonics is just what is needed. Watch this on-demand webinar for a guided tour of this comprehensive, technology-based phonics assessment that measures the 12 most critical phonics patterns, including 102 foundational phonics skills. Dr. Michelle Hosp, a Scientific Advisor for KeyPhonics, shares:

  • How quick and easy it is to administer KeyPhonics to measure phonics skills, in person or remotely
  • How KeyPhonics saves teachers time so they can test less and teach more
  • How to use KeyPhonics data to identify instructional needs at the grade, class, and student levels
  • How to use KeyPhonics data to inform placement and plans for summer and fall

As you work to improve students’ reading skills, KeyPhonics can play an essential role by providing actionable data on exactly where to intervene and what to teach in order to close gaps. Watch the webinar to see what makes KeyPhonics different than other phonics assessments and the robust data it provides.

Watch the webinar on the KeyPhonics website.

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