Elementary Reading Academy
Gain fundamental knowledge in effective standards-aligned and evidence-based reading practices based on the science of reading and aligned to Structured Literacy.

The Elementary Reading Academy (ERA) is an International Dyslexia Association (IDA) accredited course designed for K–5 teachers, literacy coaches, reading specialists, and reading intervention teachers. It offers educators fundamental knowledge in effective, standards-aligned, and evidence-based reading practices for all learners, including Multilingual Learners and students with reading difficulties, including dyslexia. The ERA also applies this knowledge and connects it to the curriculum teachers use. By taking all seven topical sessions, participants gain a comprehensive understanding of the essential components for effective reading instruction and assessment based on the science of reading.

Participant Outcomes
- Identify the standards that align with evidence-based reading instruction.
- Articulate the research on the essential components of reading instruction and link research to practice.
- Gain clear and explicit models of high-leverage instructional routines and practices.
- Practice using instructional routines specific to the particular topic.
Get in touch
Contact CORE to learn more about how our Elementary Reading Academy can help you improve early literacy teaching outcomes.
About the Sessions
Participants can take Sessions 1 through 3 as the Word Recognition Strand and Sessions 4 through 6 as the Language Comprehension Strand. The sessions are available as two separate packages or one comprehensive package. Session 7, focused on Assessment, may be taken separately or as part of the complete ERA package.
This session provides an overview of the scientific research on teaching reading, including the Simple View of Reading and Scarborough’s Rope, basic linguistics, phonic elements, print awareness, and letter knowledge.
During this session, participants learn how to develop students’ phonemic awareness and teach explicit, systematic phonics instruction, including effective corrective feedback, various forms of blending, and their application to decodable text.
This session addresses the techniques that help students transition from reading single-syllable to multisyllabic words. In addition, participants learn the five principles for spelling instruction and effective instructional techniques to foster reading fluency: accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression.
This session focuses on vocabulary development. Participants study word-learning strategies and specific word instruction and experience active ways to promote “word consciousness.” We address the needs of Multilingual Learners.
In this session, participants learn how to address comprehension at the sentence level, its complexity and contributing factors, and how to design and deliver effective syntax, grammar, and sentence comprehension instruction.
During this session, participants learn about research related to text comprehension, the complexity of comprehension, and the language and cognitive processes that may impede or enhance comprehension. Participants study the differences between comprehension processes and products and different ways to assist students in accessing narrative and informational texts. Specific reading skills and comprehension strategies — including questioning, graphic organizers, and monitoring techniques — are presented using explicit instruction, hands-on lessons, and high-leverage models and practice.
In this session, participants learn about the role of assessment in a multi-tiered system of supports. This session guides participants through Assessing Reading: Multiple Measures, lays out the basic principles and purposes of different types of assessments for instructional decision-making, and outlines a comprehensive assessment blueprint within a three-tier system.
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