Rise in Math
Rise in Math is a coaching and inquiry-based professional learning model that prepares educators to create active learning classrooms where students are engaged, empowered, and successful doers of mathematics.

Get in Touch
For more information about Rise in Math, connect with us.
Workshops + Coaching
Over six days, school-based teams delve into a learning strand through a three-part workshop series and ongoing coaching, which focus on creating conditions for active math learning across classrooms.
Choose between two strands of learning:
Designing Active Math Learning Classrooms
Scaling Active Math Learning Classrooms
Instructional Rounds + Coaching
Through classroom observations, structured/focused feedback, and a collaborative leadership approach, school-based teams cultivate a continuous learning and improvement culture while fostering a shared vision and facilitating self-study within classrooms over nine days.
Lead Math Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)
Instructional leadership teams develop a culture of data-driven teacher decision-making through continuous improvement cycles of classroom walkthroughs tailored to their context.
Partner Perspectives