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Teaching Reading Sourcebook Rated Exemplary In a Review of Textbooks Used in Teacher Preparation Programs

The National Council on Teacher Quality (NCTQ) regularly convenes reading experts to review every textbook used by teacher preparation programs in their required reading coursework. The Teaching Reading Sourcebook was listed in 2020 Teacher Prep Review as one of 10 textbooks that comprehensively and rigorously cover the scientific basis and instructional elements of the five essential components of effective reading instruction. Additionally, the report found that the Teaching Reading Sourcebook is used by more teacher prep programs than any other textbook in the top 10 ranking.
Now, NCTQ is making their textbook reviews available to the public in a new reading textbook database. More than 900 textbooks have been reviewed and rated as Exemplary, Acceptable or Unacceptable. The Teaching Reading Sourcebook is rated Exemplary.
Learn more about the Teaching Reading Sourcebook and download a sampler of the textbook.