Brittany Philipsen
M.A., Educational Consultant — Literacy, K-5
Brittany is an Educational Services Consultant for CORE. Her area of passion and expertise is research-based literacy practices and she has studied reading research extensively through a multitude of organizations, including obtaining a master’s degree from the Reading Science program at Mount St. Joseph University. Brittany understands that a wide information gap spans between those conducting reading research and those providing instruction, and she collaborates with educators to help close that gap in order to improve outcomes for students, especially for students the public education system has historically failed.
Brittany began her nearly twenty-year career in education as a classroom teacher in first, second, and third grades, and has extensive experience teaching multilingual students. She went on to work as a reading interventionist, literacy specialist, and instructional coach. As a coach and school leader, Brittany has supported the development of school-wide literacy systems and structures. This work has included designing and leading professional development, coaching teachers to align instruction with research-based literacy practices, and developing structures that ensure equity and student growth are at the forefront of school systems.

Brittany Philipsen
M.A., Educational Consultant — Literacy, K-5
Brittany is an Educational Services Consultant for CORE. Her area of passion and expertise is research-based literacy practices and she has studied reading research extensively through a multitude of organizations, including obtaining a master’s degree from the Reading Science program at Mount St. Joseph University. Brittany understands that a wide information gap spans between those conducting reading research and those providing instruction, and she collaborates with educators to help close that gap in order to improve outcomes for students, especially for students the public education system has historically failed.
Brittany began her nearly twenty-year career in education as a classroom teacher in first, second, and third grades, and has extensive experience teaching multilingual students. She went on to work as a reading interventionist, literacy specialist, and instructional coach. As a coach and school leader, Brittany has supported the development of school-wide literacy systems and structures. This work has included designing and leading professional development, coaching teachers to align instruction with research-based literacy practices, and developing structures that ensure equity and student growth are at the forefront of school systems.