CORE Math Services

Active Math Learning

CORE Math’s professional learning services equip K–12 teachers and leaders with the latest breakthroughs in brain research, evidence-based instructional practices, and the tools to build strong mathematical competence in their students.


Active math learning is a student-centered approach that engages students in a vibrant community of learners to construct their mathematics knowledge through hands-on exploration, minds-on problem-solving, and physical activity.

Hands On + Minds On = Active Math Learning

Hands-on learning involves students as individuals in the learning process and deeply engages them in the mathematical content.


Minds-on learning engages students in constructing their own knowledge of math concepts to prompt higher-order thinking.

When instructional time is spent in Active Math Learning, students increase their…

Academic Achievement

Engagement & Motivation

Conceptual Understanding

Problem-Solving Skills


of Math Academy participants felt prepared to implement the learnings and next steps.


of Rise in Math participants felt prepared to implement the learnings and next steps.


of OMA participants indicated that the course exceeded or met their expectations.

Meet Our Math Experts

Katie Salguero

Mathematics Director | CORE Learning

Katie aims to develop professional learning experiences that support teachers in their instructional decision-making to create active math learning environments and deepen students’ mathematical competence.

Dr. Katie Kaskasky
Katie Laskasky

Mathematics Manager | CORE Learning

Katie works to collaboratively develop and support the implementation of CORE’s professional learning and coaching model with schools and districts to include developing teacher capacity in instructional decision-making and integrating job-embedded curriculum implementation support.

Katie Salguero

Mathematics Director | CORE Learning

Katie aims to develop professional learning experiences that support teachers in their instructional decision-making to create active math learning environments and deepen students’ mathematical competence.

Dr. Katie Kaskasky
Katie Laskasky

Mathematics Manager | CORE Learning

Katie works to collaboratively develop and support the implementation of CORE’s professional learning and coaching model with schools and districts to include developing teacher capacity in instructional decision-making and integrating job-embedded curriculum implementation support.

Partner Perspectives

The most valuable learning experience is knowing how to utilize different mathematical competencies and what they look like in the classroom.

Math Academy Participant, Teacher, North Dakota

I liked the ideas given to use in the classroom to provide more opportunities for students. I also liked that it was not just given as a verbal idea but we got to model what it would look like in the classroom.

Math Academy Participant, Teacher, North Dakota

The most valuable learning experience is knowing how to utilize different mathematical competencies and what they look like in the classroom.

Math Academy Participant, Teacher, North Dakota

I liked the ideas given to use in the classroom to provide more opportunities for students. I also liked that it was not just given as a verbal idea but we got to model what it would look like in the classroom.

Math Academy Participant, Teacher, North Dakota

Get in touch

Contact CORE to learn more about our Math Services.